Hours of Operation: (Berea) Mon: 8AM-6PM Tues-Wed: 8AM-4:30PM       (Richmond) Mon: 8AM-6PM, Tues-Thurs: 8AM-4:30PM, Fri: 8AM-12PM           Phone: 859-623-7312

Our Mission: To protect, promote and improve the health of our community

Madison County Health Department

CLinic Services

From immunizations to checkups and  preventive care,  exams, our providers work to keep you and your whole family healthy and strong each and every day.

Madison County Health Department

Clinic Services

Madison County Health Department offers a range of preventive health services. These services are available through our clinic, community health, and diabetes programs. Some programs are available in the home.  Our focus is on helping individuals improve their health by preventing disease and developing healthy lifestyles. Charges and payment options vary by program. Please choose from the programs below for more information.

Clinic Health Services

CARE is an acronym for Cardiovascular Assessment, Risk Reduction, and Education. The CARE Collaborative was initiated by the Kentucky Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (KHDSP) Task Force. The CARE Collaborative is a blood pressure awareness program for men and women in Kentucky age 18 and above. 

Stop by our Richmond or Berea Clinic for a FREE Blood Pressure Awareness and Education Visit or Call Us if you would like for one of our CARE Coaches to join an upcoming event in our community at 859-623-7312.

The Breastfeeding support team is here to be of assistance to any mother who needs our assistance.

We can provide :

  • Education prenatally.
  • Provide assistance with breastfeeding after delivery.
  • Assist with problem solving of breastfeeding difficulties.

Madison County Health Department investigates cases of communicable diseases such as influenza, food-borne illness, pertussis, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted infections, per 902 KAR 2:020.  Communicable disease investigations assist public and private health officials in educating patients and clients, planning staff training on timely disease topics, and preparing for and responding to disease outbreaks.  

Health professionals should report communicable diseases to Madison County Health Department and may find the appropriate and required form at the link below.  Upon completion of the report, please fax to (859) 624-0104.  Local Health Departments report communicable diseases to the state office which reports to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance in reporting, please contact our office at (859) 623-7312, option 8.

COVID-19 is a reportable disease and must be reported to the Kentucky Department for Public Health within 24 hours after you receive the lab report.  You may use the EPID-200 form (mark other and write in COVID-19). 

EPID200.pdf (ky.gov)

Emergency contraception is a form of birth control that is meant to be used if your primary method failed (like a condom broke or you missed birth control pills) or you forgot to use your primary birth control.  It is used to help prevent pregnancy after sex and must be taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex or if your primary birth control method failed.  The sooner you take it, the better it will work.  It is not meant to be used as a regular form of birth control. Please call our clinic at (859) 623-7312 if you have questions about ECPs or birth control and a nurse will be available to answer your questions or schedule an appointment for ECP.


What Is H.A.N.D.S. ?

H.A.N.D.S. is a voluntary visitation program designed to support parents at critical development points during their child’s first two years of life.

Who is eligible for the program?

HANDS will support a family during their pregnancy and until the baby turns two years old to assist with child development, parenting skills, health services and other needed resources.

When should parents enter the program?

Parents are encouraged to start the program at the beginning of their pregnancy. ALL families deserve a healthy pregnancy and their babies deserve a healthy, safe and happy childhood.

Why participate in H.A.N.D.S. ?

  • Parents are the most important people in the baby’s life.
  • Parents are the first and most important teachers a child will ever have.
  • Parenting is a very demanding job, and all parents have worries, questions, and stress.

HANDS will support a family during their pregnancy and until the baby turns two years old to assist with child development, parenting skills, health services and other needed resources.

When should parents enter the program?

Parents are encouraged to start the program at the beginning of their pregnancy. ALL families deserve a healthy pregnancy and their babies deserve a healthy, safe and happy childhood.

Click Here to visit the Harm Reduction Services page

Immunization Records Online!

The Kentucky Department for Public Health is excited to announce that you can now access and print immunization records through the new Kentucky Immunization Regis try (KYIR) Public Portal. To access the KYIR Public Portal and learn more visit: chfs.ky.gov/KDPHMyVaxRecord

Madison County Health Department is a Vaccines for Children (VFC) provider and offers immunizations to eligible residents of Madison and surrounding counties.  Immunizations are vital to the health of infants, children and adults.  902 KAR 2:060 establishes the mandatory immunization schedule for attendance at child day care centers, certified family child care homes, other licensed facilities which care for children, preschool programs, and public and private primary and secondary schools.

A vaccination schedule is available at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website HERE.

COVID-19 Vaccination
ACIP recommends use of COVID-19 vaccines for everyone ages 5 and older. COVID-19 vaccine and other vaccines may be administered on the same day. See the COVID-19 Vaccine Product Information Webpage for additional information.

Influenza Vaccination(FLU)
ACIP recommends Influenza vaccines for everyone ages 6 months and older.  Influenza vaccine and other vaccines may be administered on the same day.  See the Influenza Vaccine Webpage for additional information.

Please contact the Richmond Clinic, 859-623-7312, to learn more about vaccine availability and eligibility.

Madison County Health Department offers pregnancy testing and information about services/resources available in the community for expectant mothers.  Additionally, eligible women may apply for Presumptive Eligibility for Medicaid (PE) medical coverage.  PE provides temporary Medicaid coverage that enables women to begin prenatal care right away.

Fees for pregnancy tests are based on a sliding fee scale, which means that the charges will vary depending on the number of people in the family and the household income.  The Health Department also accepts Medicaid, and will not refuse services based on inability to pay. 

Pregnancy tests are provided by appointment at the Richmond Clinic location.  Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Madison County Health Department is currently providing screenings and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs

STI testing is available at the Richmond Clinic location. Please call for an appointment or you may walk in to schedule or be seen the same day if appointments are available. Our hours are Monday 8AM-6PM, Tuesday-Thursday 8AM-4:30PM and Friday 8AM-12PM.

Madison County Health Department provides assessments for TB risk factors and TB Skin Testing at the Richmond Clinic location.  Follow-up is available for individuals with active TB infection and disease.

The CDC Tuberculosis Webpage includes detailed information about TB – including Basic Facts, Signs & Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment. 

Please contact the Richmond Clinic at 859-623-7312 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about TB Skin Testing and TB Disease.

The Women’s Infant and Children’s Program, or WIC, is a supplemental food program that provides nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, education, nutritious foods, and referrals to health care ​services.
The very first WIC clinic in the nation opened in January of 1974, right here in Kentucky.

For more information about the WIC Program, visit: https://www.chfs.ky.gov/agencies/dph/dmch/nsb/Pages/wic.aspx

Our Guarantee

We Are Committed

To protect, promote and improve the health of our community.

Call Us To Schedule

Your health is important to us. Call us today at 859-623-7312.

Women, Infants & Children (WIC)

The Women’s Infant and Children’s Program, or WIC, is a supplemental food program that provides nutrition counseling, breastfeeding support, education, nutritious foods, and referrals to health care ​services.
The very first WIC clinic in the nation opened in January of 1974, right here in Kentucky.

Blood Pressure Screening & Education

CARE is an acronym for Cardiovascular Assessment, Risk Reduction, and Education. The CARE Collaborative was initiated by the Kentucky Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (KHDSP) Task Force. The CARE Collaborative is a blood pressure awareness program for men and women in Kentucky age 18 and above. 

Stop by our Richmond or Berea Clinic for a FREE Blood Pressure Awareness and Education Visit or Call Us if you would like for one of our CARE Coaches to join an upcoming event in our community at 859-623-7312.

For new moms

Breastfeeding Education & Support

The Breastfeeding support team is here to be of assistance to any mother who needs our assistance.

We can provide :

  • Education prenatally.
  • Provide assistance with breastfeeding after delivery.
  • Assist with problem solving of breastfeeding difficulties.
NEMT Flyer

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Do you need help with transportation to and from a medical appointment or a pharmacy?

Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) provides rides for Medicaid recipients who do not have access to transportation to a medically necessary appointment, including trips to the doctor,hospital, pharmacy, dentist, adult day services, counseling, or any other Medicaid-covered service.The ride is provided by a broker, and brokers are regionally assigned by the state. Rides are paid by Medicaid, and you should not be charged for the ride.

Contact Us


214 Boggs Lane
Richmond, KY 40475


(859) 623-7312



Madison County Health Department

Serving You in Two Locations

Madison County Health Department

214-216 Boggs Lane
P.O. Box 1208
Richmond, KY 40476


Clinic Fax: 859-626-4298

Martha Pride Community Health Center

Temporarily Closed.

Get In Touch

216 Boggs Ln
Richmond, KY 40475

© 2025 All Rights Reserved.