Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri, 8AM-4:30PM    Phone: (859) 623-7312

Our Mission: To protect, promote and improve the health of our community

Madison County Health Department

Community Education

Our educators can provide a wealth of information about your concerns and questions.

Madison County Health Department

Community Education

The Health Department offers a variety of services and classes to the public at no charge. Please contact us if you would like more information about classes available at our facilities or at your events and meetings.

Community Education Services

It is Kentucky State Law that children riding in a vehicle must be in a child safety seat or booster seat. The law (KRS189.125) states that children who are 3’4” (40 inches) tall or less must ride in a car seat. Any child, who is younger than eight and between 40 and 57 inches tall must be secured in a booster seat.

In Madison County, there are several organizations that will help you install your car seat correctly. Click here for a list of car seat inspectors and some tips on using your seat effectively.

We also conduct car seat safety checks at special events through out the year. Check our Events calendar to get the updates on community car seat checks.

Madison County Car Seat Safety Community Partners

Kentucky State Police- Richmond Post- 859-623-2404

The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration has some recommendations for keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle.

  • You should choose a car seat based on your child’s age, height, and weight.

  • Keep using the car seat for as long as possible, as long as your child meets the height and weight limits for the seat.

  • All children under 13 years old should ride in the back seat.

Recommendation for Birth – 12 months:

  • Children within this range should ride in a rear-facing seat located in the back seat of the vehicle.

Recommendations for 1-3 years:

  • These children should still ride in a rear-facing seat located in the back seat of the vehicle.

  • If the child has outgrown the height and weight limits for the rear-facing seat, he/she can ride in a forward-facing car seat.

Recommendations for 4-7 years:

  • Children within this age range should ride in a forward-facing car seat with a harness located in the back seat of the vehicle until they outgrows the seat.

  • The child can ride in a booster seat if he/she has outgrown a forward-facing car seat.

Recommendations for 8-12 years:

  • Children within this range should ride in a booster seat until he/she is big enough to fit in a regular seat belt.

  • The regular seat belt fits properly when the lap belt fits across upper thighs and not the stomach, and the shoulder belt fits across the shoulder and chest not the neck or face.

  • Children under 13 years old should still ride in the back seat of a vehicle even after they outgrow a booster seat.


The Madison County Health Department offers a high-quality diabetes program with accreditation by the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists.  It is called “Healthy Living With Diabetes”.  The workshop/classes are open to residents of Madison and surrounding counties free of charge.  The staff is made up of a Registered Nurse and Dietitian who are certified diabetes educators. The education and information provide the knowledge, skill, and ability to manage diabetes.  This is considered part of the care for patients diagnosed with diabetes.

Madison County Health Department Diabetes Program,” Healthy Living With Diabetes“ is a program for patients diagnosed with diabetes or persons caring for patients with diabetes. To enroll in the program call 859-228-2044. It is free of charge and does not require a referral from the medical provider. Our current class schedule is always listed in our Events calendar.

Freedom From Smoking® Online

Don’t have time or our classes don’t fit into your schedule? Freedom From Smoking® Online, or FFS Online, is a program specifically designed for adults, like you, who want to quit smoking. It’s an adaptation of the American Lung Association’s gold standard, group clinic that has helped thousands of smokers to quit for good.

FFS Online takes you through modules, each containing several lessons that you access through this protected website. These lessons include valuable information and most of them contain an assignment that you are to complete before moving on. The assignments reinforce the messages in each lesson and your commitment to quit.

FFS Online does not begin with quitting. The program takes you through several lessons first, ensuring that solid information about preparing to quit is given before Quit Day. Go ahead and progress through the lessons and modules until you complete the entire program. The beauty of FFS Online is that it can be accessed day or night, seven days a week, on any schedule you choose.

Our Mission: To save lives and reduce suicidal behaviors by providing innovative, practical, and proven suicide prevention training. We believe that quality education empowers all people, regardless of their background, to make a positive difference in the life of someone they know.

“Gatekeepers can be anyone, but include parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, office supervisors, squad leaders, foremen, police officers, advisors, caseworkers, firefighters, and many others who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide.”

Please join us at one of our free QPR Gatekeeper Trainings for Suicide Prevention. See our Events calendar for upcoming events.

Our Guarantee

We Are Committed

To protect, promote and improve the health of our community.

Call Us To Schedule

Your health is important to us. Call us today at 859-288-2044.

Contact Us


214 Boggs Lane
Richmond, KY 40475


(859) 228-2044



Madison County Health Department

Serving You in Two Locations

Madison County Health Department

214-216 Boggs Lane
P.O. Box 1208
Richmond, KY 40476


Clinic Fax: 859-626-4298

Martha Pride Community Health Center

Temporarily Closed.

Get In Touch

216 Boggs Ln
Richmond, KY 40475

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