Reports of our death are greatly exaggerated

Berea building front
Berea building front
There have been some reports that the Madison County Health Department has closed. That is not true.
Our Berea office is closed temporarily. We have concerns regarding the foundation of the Martha Pride Community Center Building in Berea. The closure is a precaution until we have adequately inspected the building to address whether any repairs may be needed. We will have a professional evaluation completed and we will have more information on the length of closure after that time.
In the interim, there is no service disruption. The Berea clinic provided telephonic WIC services to our community. Our staff will provide the same care and services from our 214 Boggs Ln, Richmond location.
For needs that require in-person drop off or pick up, we will work with clients to accommodate their needs. Again, there is no service disruption. Harm Reduction clients are requested to call our service line so that we can meet their needs. We have a Naloxone box set up on our property and it will continue to be restocked as needed. Over the next couple of weeks, we will assess the best days and time to setup our community van to provide Harm Reduction services and Food Handler cards from the Berea parking lot.
Clinic Services Phone Number: (859)-623-7312
Harm Reduction Services Phone Number: (859)-314-0307
Our website will be updated with more information regarding any updates:


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